Reality TV

If your life was a television show, would it be a comedy, drama, soap opera or documentary?

Of course I would have to say my life on TV would be Dramoperadytary — a comedy/drama/soap opera/documentary all in one.  The intro music to my show would probably change from day to day, depending on the type of day I’m having. My intro and outro music for the what I experienced today would’ve been, “It’s just one of those days, ‘cause tomorrow can’t come fast enough for me”,  by Vivian Green . Every electronic pleasure in my residence had an issue.

I woke up to a bouncing directv icon on the screen because I forgot to pay the damn cable bill, so I grab my cell phone and log onto the Bank of America application to check my account – I just wanted to make sure there was enough money that wasn’t being held hostage for other obligations.  DAMN, DAMN, DAMN…I’m in the negative(I guess I shouldn’t have went on that Moscato shopping spree last night – but the buzz was worth it). So, I guess I’ll go to option number two…pay with my credit card, (damn, damn, damn, I forgot I can’t use it until I receive the new card, because I called the card in stolen when I couldn’t find my wallet.  Alright, option 3, just pay by check (yes, I already admitted that there was no money in the account — so don’t judge; you know you’ve reserved a payment without actual funds because you’re confident funds will magically appear–right?)  Well I had to pump my brakes because my internet access wasn’t available — and I swear I paid that bill. WHY TODAY??? But I didn’t get frustrated, I just took a deep breath and turned up the volume on my internal head stereo, and let Vivian Green play repeatedly while I decide what to do next.

Let’s see, I’ll just have a quiet day at home and watch movies until I can figure out what to do about the internet – because it’s only 9am and I don’t feel like playing the plug and unplug the internet router game with the phone/internet IT people, while they pick their noses on the other end pretending to troubleshoot.  However, I decide not to stay in my bedroom and watch the movies because I’ll never sleep well later tonight.  My landing spot is on the basement sofa. I select my movie, press play, and plop on my favorite indented spot, surrounded by the fluffy pillows, and press the power button on the television. NOOOOOO!!!  What is that horrible shrieking noise blasting from the TV. The screen is black and nothing…. DAMN, DAMN, DAMN…Did the TV blow —why didn’t anyone tell me.

OK, now what? I couldn’t think straight because Vivian was now beginning to echo louder and louder as I head up the staircase towards my bedroom.  I suddenly scream for silence in my head because my peaceful and relaxing day has now turned into a headache. So I decided to go back to bed.

FADE TO BLACK!!!! Vivian Green sings louder and louder and then the outro music ends….