Creating A Well Designed Thanksgiving

If I’m standing in the kitchen…at first glance, one would assume I’m knowledgeable with all the herbs, seasonings, utensils and cookware that ornament my kitchen counters, cabinets and drawers. Unfortunately, I’m the one that has a favorite recipe that I want someone else to cook – especially holiday dishes. Of course my family and real […]

Voter’s Delight

I voted…and so did nearly 120 million other people who wanted to move this nation forward. Our newly re-elected President and Commander in Chief of the United States of America, Barack Obama delivered a speech that once again sent chills through my body. I sat intensely in front of the television listening to each humbled […]

Election Day Rumors

A lot of rumors float around during election time to influence a decrease in voter participation, and desparation relies on the naïveté of first time voters to dispel myths to misconstrue as factual information for their digestion. So in order to stomp out any potential rumors and to increase voter participation, here are a few things to consume for nourishment on the way […]

Election Day Eve

The eve of Election Day has fallen upon us. Tomorrow, November 6, 2012, every able body that is registered to vote should make sure to exercise the right. This is a day to stand up – or shut up. Wherever your beliefs lie, and whatever political party you favor, the time has come for the nation […]

Goblins, Ninjas, Loose Teeth, Oh My!

So here’s a question – what should we do with all of the candy that our crumb snatchers have forced upon us? As responsible parents, we can’t allow their little teeth to be subject to an impending downward spiral of decay and numerous dental visits; by allowing them to eat all of the contents of school party bags, neighborhood party bags, farm festival goodie bags and of course, the door-to-door treasure bags.

The Best Candy Ever…To Grab on Halloween

Every year, the 31st of October rolls around and the anticipation of the predictable date ruffles a lot of feathers in my household. First of all, I cringe when I open the cabinets and still find residual evidence of last year’s Halloween candy.

The Bucket List…To Do

My daily life consists of  jotting down several tasks to complete throughout the day, week and month — or whenever I get a jolt of energy to complete at least one item on the ten notebooks surrounding me. Every day, my goal is to scratch off at least five items off of my growing lists, […]


A friendly alert blazed through my phone which was buried in my purse, setting off reminder tones of an upcoming appointment I scheduled three months ago. It always amazes me how fast time flies, especially when you’re having a blast eating foods and drinking beverages that have been placed on the “do not eat” list […]

The Rush Hour Chew!

Defensive Concentration – I’m convinced the evening rush hour is more intense and extreme than morning rush hour. I’m more on edge and resistant to line cutters and traffic signal violators in the evening than I am in the morning.

Temporarily Out of Order

Have you ever wondered what really happened behind the door marked with a red “temporarily out of order” sign? It’s a major inconvenience, especially for someone like me who waits until her internal dam can no longer bare the pressure of all the ice coffee drinks, two bottles of water and ice cold colas from […]