Tardy…but Hair!

My seven year-old son was ecstatic about his role in his school’s Christmas play, and the morning of his performance was the same morning I would reveal my new hairstyle. I morning conversation included his stage fright, his cool outfit and his calming muse…me; okay, okay, and his dad. Sonny Boy and I agreed that he would avoid his jitters by looking out into the crowd for me and his dad’s smiling faces. The morning school drop off included Sonny Boy’s emphasis on our early arrival to ensure our guaranteed front row seats for easier access to our glistening smiles.  My workday included my jitters for an early arrival to the performance and periodic mirror checks to glance over my perfect tresses.

For most who know me, they’ll be shocked that we arrived on time because I (as well as my honey) are early-bird challenged. However, the more time efficient parents arrived earlier, leaving only middle section-back row seats for us to smile bright. The lights dimmed and the applause echoed throughout the hall as the children recited their memorized holiday cheer, and our prideful chants roared as our Sonny Boy landed his performance perfectly. But…when the last word flowed from his lips, the smile I thought he’d display was a panicked frown, for his eyes didn’t lock on our bright faces. I began waving my hands and smiling widely, chapping my lips to secure eye contact with my child. Suddenly, a smile glistened from his lips and his confusion was dissolved.

When the Christmas play ended, and the holiday cheer filled the air and hall, we headed to my son’s classroom to retrieve him, and then head home. On our way to the parking lot, my son said, “I knew you all were here — I didn’t see you at first because the lights were bright, but then I saw mommy’s big hair.”

You gotta love kids and their honesty. The whole day I walked around thinking I was beautiful and fierce, and my son has confirmed that I’m the lil’ old lady that can be picked out in an audience lineup because of my big Hair!