A Call for Order…Is it me, or should there be a list of rules and guidelines posted on the wall beside all elevators? I crack up internally every morning while I’m waiting for the elevator in the parking garage. There is always that one employee that has to release an aroma of ignorance or unjustified behavior. I personally believe when you enter an elevator corridor, you should at least dispel a friendly smirk or just say good morning. I muster up enough energy every morning to part my lips to smile, grin, speak, and even go the extra mile to press the ‘door open’ button when someone is making a last minute dash to jump on board.
However, there is always one person that will act as if they didn’t notice the line of patient individuals standing in distress, and will bust in front of the line as the elevator doors slide open. Sometimes their haste prompts the exiting riders to bombard them and push the rude rider out of sequence — but everyday isn’t so perfect.
Read more of Savvy Diva’s rants on Elevator Etiquette.